'Siren Call' is a short film written and directed by Evan Metzold. It tells the story of Nathan, a recently engaged young man, who begins receiving a series of mysterious phone calls from an unknown woman seeking phone sex. These calls lead to a deep buried lust to arise within Nathan, causing him to question his commitment to his fiancée, Elle, while muddying his dreams into reality and reality into fantasy.
The film is being produced as Evan's senior thesis film at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. He has been working on the script for the last seven months, and recently began production at Double 6 Studios. 'Siren Call' was one of the first productions to shoot in Stage 2, where the cast and crew created some incredible and imaginative imagery. Evan's vision is supported by a talented team: his Assistant Director, Matthew Heymann; Director of Photography, Todd Martin; and Production Designer, Avital Siegel, are all old friends and colleagues. They are further supported by Gaffer and Grip team extraordinaire, Malik Salam and Masseo Davis, along with Producers, Dylan Marcus, Jack Kyser, and many more.
Evan and his team worked hard for four days to complete shooting of a good portion of their script, and eventually came away with some incredible footage thanks to the talented team and surreal space Double 6 provided